When extracting top-quality hash/kifi, it is much easier than expected. You will just need some cheap, basic equipment, and a long span to bud hitting; if ready to do that, you will enjoy smoking one of the best substances extracted from marijuana, but, beforehand, all the necessary steps have to be clarified, for you to make your own home-made extractions:
homemade sieve
What is a sieve?
A sieve is a metal, plastic or wooden instrument, used to separate two solid elements formed by two different-size particle; this is known as sieving; generally, a sieve is a surface with specific holes, like a drilled plate, a grilled piece or a textile sample. Precisely, cannabis-extraction sieve tends to consist of a square/round holder which tenses a thin-thread net or porous fabric.
What is a sieve used for?
A sieve has many different options, but this post is focused on extracting hash or kifi from marijuana buds. As previously quoted, sieving consists of separating solid substances, so resin glands have to be separated from bud vegetal material.
How to sieve
Sieving is really simple; place the substance on the sieve and hit it, so resin, that is, the minor particles, will fall through the stocking pores or net holes. On the contrary, the major particles, that is, bud vegetal material, get stuck on top of the sieve. This way, we will have all the resin accumulated in the bowl under the sieve, ready to be consumed. Obviously, the size of the sieve holes, or the pores, has to fit the size of the sieving substance.
We are focused on a specific sieving function, but all of them are easy to get, and skilful; cooking, silk-making, gold seeking, separation of worm humus, or insect hunting.
Basic sieving characteristics
The basic characteristics of a sieve are based on its function, because it is a skilful gadget; generally, the size of net holes, or fabric pores, can be different. The size of the empty space between threads has to fit the sieving material. For hash, the separation is bigger; for kifi, 80 – 270 LPI. Otherwise, vegetal material will filter through the sieve, so we will have an average-quality extraction. For more feedback, check our kifi post.
Besides, holder material and net or grill material can be different; the sieve can be rounded, square, triangular, etc. All this range of different sieves, and their functions and characteristics, indicate that they are easy-to-make gadgets and their elaboration concerns many types of materials, shapes and methods.
Home-made sieve equipment
- -Wood/bucket: you can build the net holder with four wooden sticks; we will just make a square with the sticks and stick them with glue, or we will screw them, or both procedures. Then, the net will be stapled or screwed; when no handyman around, use a plastic bucket or even a halfway-cut bottle.
- -Glue: it will properly glue the net-holder sticks.
- -Net/stockings: it is very important, because it will determine the size of the filtering solid material, so, depending on the size of the holes, we will obtain pure material or full of grinded vegetal material; you can use a lingerie stocking, sieving through its pores.
- -Screws, staples or rope: the screws and grapes will be used to join the net to its holder. When making a sieve with a bucket and a stocking, forget about staples and screws; we will just need a rope or gum, joining the net to the bucket.
homemade sieve marijuana
How to make your own sieve
The following steps are very simple, and some of them have already been profiled along this post; anyway, now we show the steps in order, in schematic form, so you can try make your own home-made hash/kifi, easy and fast:
- 1. Get and cut the wooden sticks, for the holding structure which will tense the net. For a bucket and a stocking, skip this step; just a bucket and a stocking, or a halfway-cut bottle.
- 2. Cut the stocking/net; the diameter has to fit the space left to be anchored to the holder.
- 3. With the holder and the stocking/net, join them together. With a net, staple or screw it to the wooden holder, so it gets tensed; with a stocking, faster and easier, tie it to the bucket, as shown in the picture.
Follow these instructions if you want to make your own sieve; when in doubt, check our online customer-care service, or call us; if necessary, watch some sieve-making YouTube tutorials. Go for it and make your own sieve; you will discover a fast, simple and cheap way of kifi/hash outstanding home production. Enjoy top-quality without spending any money, and without excessive effort!