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This legal notice regulates the use of the website
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), the company's identifying data are presented:
N.I.F: B-83151134
Registered Address: PI. La Figuera / Camino Bovalar Nº 29 - 46970 - Valencia - VALENCIA
Contact telephone number: 654 16 57 99
Contact e-mail address: [email protected]
Registered on 31/08/2017, Volume 10328, Book 7609, Page 85, Hoja V-177730, Inscription 2.
These conditions regulate the access and navigation of users through this website. By visiting, you accept these conditions. The owner may modify at any time the content and purpose of this website, as well as the conditions.
A user is considered to be the person who visits our website, and therefore accepts these conditions.
Additionally, we provide information on the rights and obligations of users in relation to browsing through our website, as well as the responsibilities that may arise.
The purpose of GeaSeeds is to offer gardening products.
In general, the relations between B83151134 (Ecommerce and Quality Trading) and the Users of its telematic services, present in this website, are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. The commercial relations between Ecommerce and Quality Trading, S. L. U. will be regulated by the General Contracting Conditions Act 7/1998, of 13 April 1998. By General Law 3/2014 of 27 March, for the Defence of Consumers and Users. As well as the Law 7/1996, of 15 January on the Regulation of Retail Trade.
The seeds for sale on the website are exclusively collected by collectors. They are exempt from international control of narcotic drugs under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of Vienna 1961. The marketing of cannabis seeds is legal in Spain. The cultivation of cannabis plants for sale or trafficking is punishable as an offence.
Since does not want to incite to act against the law, customers are responsible for their future actions. It is prohibited to distribute seeds to minors, in addition to those countries where own legislation prohibits the possession or trafficking.
The website will not accept responsibility for the misuse of the contents, services or products, which may cause damage by users. There is no guarantee of continuity of service or internet presence. Ecommerce and Quality Trading, S. L. U. and the user are subject to the jurisdiction and competence of the courts and tribunals of Valencia to resolve any dispute arising over the general conditions of contract.
Accessing the website owned by Ecommerce and Quality Trading grants the condition of User, thus accepting the conditions of use established without prejudice to the corresponding regulations of mandatory legal compliance and its application. The User is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way whatsoever, the beginning of a commercial relationship with Ecommerce and Quality Trading S. L. U. (Ecommerce and Quality Trading) or any of its branches.
The User guarantees and responds, in any case, of the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertakes to keep them duly updated. The User agrees to provide complete and correct information on the registration or subscription form.
Conditions to participate in the monthly contest between comments to our seeds:
The intellectual property rights of the web pages content, their graphic design and codes are owned by Ecommerce and Quality Trading, S. L. U. (Ecommerce and Quality Trading). Its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be carried out with the contents of its web pages is forbidden. Not even quoting the sources, except with the written consent of Ecommerce and Quality Trading S. L. U. (Ecommerce and Quality Trading).
Ecommerce and Quality Trading, S. L. U. (Ecommerce and Quality Trading) reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web pages and may even limit or not allow access to such information to certain users.
Ecommerce and Quality Trading S. L. U. (Ecommerce and Quality Trading) assumes no responsibility for the information contained in third party websites that can be accessed through links or links from this website owned by Ecommerce and Quality Trading S. L. U. The presence of links or links in the web page has merely informative purpose and in no case supposes suggestion, invitation or recommendation on the same ones.
The descriptions and images contained on the website are from publications and catalogues in countries where consumption is not prohibited. Under no circumstances is germination or consumption allowed. Ecommerce and Quality Trading, S. L. U., declines all responsibility for the misuse that the customer may make of the product.
The user agrees not to use the website or its contents for illegal or unauthorized purposes, and to use it in accordance with these general conditions, the consequences of their actions being their sole responsibility.
This responsibility extends to the information provided by the user at any time, and especially at the time of carrying out, if necessary, the registration on the website. In the event that an access password is provided, the user will be responsible for its diligent and confidential use.
The user agrees not to use the company's social media profiles, as well as the content published therein, for illegal or unauthorized purposes, respecting those established in these conditions and on the social network platform itself, being the consequences of his action of his exclusive responsibility.
In particular, the owner will not be responsible for any content or material not published directly by him, and as soon as possible, as soon as he becomes aware of a content contrary to current regulations, he undertakes to withdraw it to the as soon as possible.
The owner will treat the personal data that he provides us through his navigation through the website, in accordance with current regulations on data protection. For more information, see the privacy policy.
The owner uses cookies on this website. For more information, see the cookie policy.
The owner is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from any damage that the user, or consequently any third party, may suffer, produced by accessing and using the website, due to the impossibility of access, for trusting the information provided in the same or when accessing third pages to be forwarded.
The owner will not be responsible for damages caused by anyone who violates these conditions or the security systems of the website.
The owner will not be responsible for the content published or stored in any medium made available to the user on the website. However, as soon as you become aware of content that is contrary to current regulations, you agree to remove it as soon as possible.
In any case, it has made all the necessary efforts to keep the website updated, with reliable and quality information, as well as safe and in continuous operation, adopting all the necessary measures from a legal-organizational point of view and technical.
In the event that the user considers that there is any content on the website that could be contrary to the law, or has suspicions of the breach of any of the points of these conditions, we ask that you notify it immediately by means of the established contact channels.
For the resolution of any litigious question related to this website, the Spanish legislation in force at the time of the litigation will be applicable, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all derivative conflicts or The Courts and Tribunals of the city of Valencia related to its use.
The company may at any time suspend the operation of its website, with or without prior notification, and without the user being able to demand any compensation for this cause.
Take advantage NOW: Free seeds as a gift on all orders!