Pest control in marijuana’s one of cannabis growers main concerns; usually, beginner growers ignore the importance of this problem, but advanced growers are used to different pests – they perfectly know how they can damage their beloved crops.
Usually, growers don’t use any chemical products – despite its top efficiency, they’re very aggressive for crops and environment; many growers prefer to buy natural pesticides or produce their own home remedies. Next, we’re briefly mentioning different home remedies to help you prevent any kind of pest and disease – cheap, simple remedies by means of food or plants from your kitchen or garden.
Pests in marijuana
Multi-property food, and natural medicine from ancient times – anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, expectorant, defense enhancer, it prevents hypertension and promotes the well-functioning of our defenses; let’s focus on its role as insect repellent.
Just grind a garlic head, together with two glasses of water, add some clove and leave this homogeneous blending to macerate for one or two days; mix the result with 3l of water and spray it on the crop – pests in the crops would be prevented (mainly, red spider).
Nettle slurry
Nettle’s repellent and fertilizer – better plant development and strength; crops acquire better resistance to red spider, white fly, aphid and crickets – it’s a sanitizer and bactericide.
Just collect about 1 kg of nettles, mix it with 10l of water and leave it to macerate for 10 days; filter the solution – vegetal material’s separated from liquid – and apply the liquid solution every 10/15 days on the irrigating water (1 nettle liquid l/20 irrigating-water l).
Useful for caterpillar/snail pests and proper soil fertilization; its preparation and use process is really simple: grind the eggshells and spray them on the strain base.
White-fly repellents; just plant them around your crop – this pest would be unlikely to appear.
Cow milk
For red spider prevention, mix half a cup of unpasteurized fresh milk, 4 cups of flour and 20l of water – you can also mix skimmed milk with sodium bicarbonate; these two solutions work as a powerful fungicide – milk contains amino acids and lactic acid with adequate properties. Just spray it on the crop.
Very good home remedy against pests – mainly, red spider; just mix 60 natural-tobacco grs with 1l of water and 10 potassium-soap grs, filter the solution and spray the solid-free liquid approx. once a week.
It’s an antiseptic, ant-repelling plant; just mix 300 fresh lavender-leaf grs with 1l of warm water, chill it and spray the plants with it.
Pest Remedies
These home remedies are very cheap, useful, simple solutions – usually, everybody has these products at home; you save money, and you’re environmentally-friendly. Just try these home remedies – prior to buying and using harmful chemical products for your crop.
Varieties more resistant to pests
If you have had to use one of the household products for pests mentioned above is because you are having problems with insects and fungi. As always from Gea Seeds we recommend prevention rather than cure, so if you live in areas with many types of insects and fungi we advise you to plant only pest-resistant varieties such as the following: