Joints are the top global marijuana-consumption method – pipes, bongs, vaporizers… Hundreds of methods, but joints are outstanding.

Many regular consumers could say the following lines are insane, but many people don’t know how to roll a joint – although an easy process, some feedback and practice to deal with it; practice is about rolling – firstly, small joints, short and candy-shaped, but, while practicing, your joints will gradually look like an industrial cigarette (if you don’t want to waste marijuana, just start rolling cigarettes).



Next, here you have the basic steps to roll a good joint.


  • – Marijuana
  • – Tobacco (optional)
  • Grinder (optional)
  • – Paper
  • – Cardboard

Two types of joints

Now it’s necessary to distinguish between the typical European/American joint and the Spanish joint;

Typical joint

In the rest of Europe and the USA, joints are usually rolled with L-Paper (slightly longer than average paper), with no tobacco (or very little) and with a direct-cardboard holder – many people use the excess leaves after peeling marijuana as tobacco for the buds (using tobacco to consume marijuana tends to be unpopular, especially in the USA).

Spanish joint

Besides that, Spaniards tend to roll their joints using an industrial cigarette: they cut the cigarette on the holder (brown part), obtaining what they call “the kettle”; once the holder gets separated from the cigarette, they break the rest of the cigarette to extract the tobacco, they mix it with the marijuana and they roll it using the “kettle” as a holder; when rolled, a little sponge’s extracted from the “kettle”, and this sponge’s substituted by some cardboard which is introduced inside; other people prefer to use a fragment of the industrial tobacco directly as a kettle (popularly known as “blackberry kettle”).

roll a joint

roll a joint

Step-by-Step guide for beginners

As previously mentioned, the steps can be slightly different depending on the type of joint to be rolled, but the basic steps are similar.

  1. Crush or shred the marijuana.
  2. Blend it with the tobacco (optional).
  3. Place the marijuana or the blend on the palm of the hand and cover it with a paper.
  4. Place the other hand on the hand which contains the paper and the marijuana and, with a movement of arms and wrists, turn them around.
  5. Shape the paper gradually till it looks like a cylinder.
  6. Introduce the “kettle” or cardboard in an end of the cylinder.
  7. Suck the sticker of the paper and stick it.
  8. Press the joint on the opposite side the kettle or cardboard has been introduced.
  9. If using an industrial-tobacco brown holder, take away the sponge and introduce a piece of cylinder-like rolling cardboard.

Bonus: Vídeo, How to roll properly?

At this point, you’ll have your joint ready for the lighter, for you to have good-smoke times. We hope this post’s helpful and, if in doubt after reading it, just leave your comment to help us enhance this post.

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