Among growers, there are many doubts on how to irrigate the plants; the best moment, quantity, frequency and a number of factors to improve crop yields.
For proper irrigation, many details have to be taken into account. Firstly, irrigate when soil surface is dry; otherwise, the pot bottom would get swamped, burning the absorbent root hairs, decomposing them and paralyzing the development of the vital functions of the plants, so, even with dry surface, check the top bottom is not still soaked; this way, you can avoid serious root problems. An easy procedure to check the quantity of accumulated water in the pot is to weigh it, raising it with your own hands and checking its weight.
Irrigate Cannabis
Many growers think that, the more they irrigate the plants, the more they will grow, but that is not totally true; obviously, the plants adapt their size and structure depending on the water they receive, but they have to be moderately irrigated: no excess, no deficiencies, so you have to adapt your irrigation to the size of your vine; if you notice that it is a big plant, it will need a bigger quantity of water, that is, irrigation is always directly proportional to size.
What to do along the growing?
Many irrigation posts talk about water quantities depending on vine sizes and growing stages. Gea Seeds always wants to provide as easy, brief and precise information as possible, so we think suggesting water quantities according to these terms is an absolute waste of time. Plant irrigation is very relative, depending on factors as climate, vine placement, strain or the very plant, so pre-established quantities cannot be provided. Mainly, we suggest weighing the pot and checking if it still contains some water inside; if it still weighs, do not irrigate it, and, if it weighs, irrigate it: that simple.
Gea Seeds thinks this is the best method; no excess, no deficiencies. Besides, it lets you know what every plant needs, adapting the water quantity to the needs of every vine. This is extremely important; even in the same place and under the same light, every vine could need different water quantities. Individual irrigation will improve your crop, and it will assure much better irrigation, quality and quantity.
Irrigate Marihuana
Once weighing the pots, you will get to know every plant and its needs, so you will be able to irrigate more automated; as usual, practice and knowledge improve the experience. Lastly, it is extremely important to measure pH levels and water electro-conductivity (EC).
These have been some brief, practical tips to improve your growing irrigation; when in doubt, just contact our customer-care phone line, website or email.
Thanks for your time!