Green tea with marijuana is one of the most widely consumed herbal teas related to cannabis. This infusion is so popular that it can even be found sold by some companies. Obviously, the marijuana teas currently marketed do not contain THC, otherwise they would be illegal.

green tea with marijuana

green tea with marijuana

Another option is to make our own infusion of green tea with marijuana. The idea of the following article is to provide the reader with all the information needed to produce his or her own tea and consume it quickly, cheaply and safely.

What is green tea with marijuana?

Marijuana green tea consists of a mixture made from leaves and buds of the tea plant or Camellia sinensis and cannabis leaves. This mixture has medicinal properties, both analgesic and relaxing and antioxidant, among others.


One of the effects of tea infusion with marijuana is stimulation at physical and mental level. This is due to the alkaloids that compose it, such as theine, which can produce a sensation of euphoria. Now, that sensation is what green tea produces, but once we add marijuana, the effects can vary considerably. For example, if we add marijuana sativa, the effect of psychedelic euphoria will be accentuated, but if we add Indian marijuana, the euphoric effect will be counteracted and get a more relaxing effect. Homemade tea does contain THC, unlike commercial tea, which does not contain THC but CBD.


  1. Tea
  2. Marijuana
  3. Butter (10 to 15g)
  4. Whole milk (1/4 cup)
  5. Honey (optional)
  6. Water

Remember that milk is necessary to fix THC as it is a liposoluble cannabinoid and therefore is not soluble in water but in oil.

Preparation instructions:

  1. Crushing marijuana
  2. Cook in a frying pan the butter next to the chopped marijuana, about 5 minutes.
  3. Afterwards, strain the butter to remove the remains of the bud.
  4. Prepare the tea and add the whole milk.
  5. After preparing the tea with milk, add the mixture of butter and marijuana.
  6. Finally, you can add honey to sweeten the solution even more.

It is optional to further heat or cool the solution, as it can be consumed both hot and cold without altering its properties.

You may also be interested in our marijuana infusion article


Cannabis tea has several properties that make it unique. First of all, it contains vitamins A, C, E and Se, or Selenium. The following are the main characteristics produced by marijuana tea in our organism:

  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevents hypertension
  • Fights the appearance of caries.
  • Reduces triglycerides
  • Has a diuretic effect
  • Stimulates the reduction of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol.
  • Stimulates the increase of HDL, or “good” cholesterol.
  • Stabilizes insulin
  • Reduces glucose levels, fighting diabetes.
  • It serves as anti-inflammatory and anti-hemorrhagic since it has astringent effects.



  1. Avatar for Wayne Woods

    Is it OK for me to just mash my hemp bud’s and leaf from a natural grown plant and just add it to my tea pot with hot water and sit it for 5 minutes than drink will this still work for me this way.

    • Avatar for GeaSeeds

      Yes, you can do this, but the effect will be 10 times lower. Marijuana needs to be heated at 110ºC for 30-40 minutes to convert THC-A into THC, which can be assimilated by our bodies. And it needs a fatty medium to dissolve properly.

      • Avatar for Rogers

        Thanks for the information


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