In our Blog, besides news about current events, cannabica cooking recipes and tips on cannabis cultivation , you can find some articles that deal with medical problems and therapeutic applications of cannabis in our section Cannabis medicinal.
In no event shall the medical and therapeutic information appearing on our site be used to replace the opinion of physicians and other health professionals simply provides an overview on the subject matter that can not be applied to specific diseases .
At Gea Seeds, we are not doctors and although they fervently bid for therapeutic cannabis, we can not ignore medical opinion in treating specific diseases and diseases. If you are affected by a health problem, you should consult a doctor or a professional.
We publish articles in which the information has been verified and the author has documented it, however, it is not possible to cover the particularities of each person and each one must be consistent with their situation and their decisions.
Your use of the information that appears on our site is solely your responsibility, so at Gea Seeds, we are not responsible in any case for the consequences that may occur due to the use of the information we provide.
We always hope that the information provided is useful and we are open to the opinions and collaborations of the users.