Despite of social inertia pro cannabis regularization and legalization worldwide, there are still some countries where marijuana consumption is seriously punishable – severe consequences ahead; this post wants to provide reliable info on the most dangerous countries to possess or consume marijuana – if traveling there, Gea Seeds suggests to forget about marijuana during your trip, or to be extremely careful.

Marijuana around the world

Marijuana around the world


The most intransigent country on marijuana consumption and trafficking; everybody could be arrested and would deal with a random toxicological test anywhere – no hint needed: if positive, you can go to jail; you can be tested as you enter the country and be directly imprisoned – absolute nonsense. Before visiting South Korea, you know, just avoid cannabis for a few months.


It is a very dangerous place for average cannabis consumers – President Rodrigo Duterte y Roa’s aggressive drug policy; they say more than 10,000 drug-related people have been murdered by Philippine government last year.

Rodrigo Duterte stated there would be no mercy with those drug-related people and nobody would be able to prevent them from death – he offered himself to “pull the trigger”; the most problematic drug in Philippines is shabu (meth) – 95% drug detentions. Anyway, marijuana possession or consumption could imply considerable payments – even jail.

Philippines and marijuana


Tunisian Republic is a North African sovereign country where marijuana consumption is seriously punishable; little cannabis dose possession could imply 1-5 prison years and €400/1,200 economic sanction. Besides, Tunisia uses urine analysis; if positive (over 20 nanogr/l), up to 6-year imprisonment: if visiting this beautiful Mediterranean country, forget about joints during your stay.

Tunisia and marijuana


It is an extremely dangerous country – Dangerous Drug Act punishes 200 weed-gr holders with capital punishment (hanging); obviously, no stoner carries 200 weed grs on vacation, but be careful – marijuana reduced amount could imply sanctions from whipping to 5-year imprisonment (even more).

In fact, some people have been hanged for marijuana “trafficking” in Malaysia; large-scale trafficking, but we suggest not to tempt fate – apart from hanging, Malaysian-prison stays must be disgusting.

Malaysia and Cannabis

Malaysia and Cannabis


It was one of the first anti-cannabis countries – s. XIX – and it has some of the most restrictive marijuana laws; smoking a joint in Singapore could imply $20,000 punishment, 10-year imprisonment or both. Besides, over 500 cannabis-gr possession is considered as drug trafficking and capital punishment is applied; with minor amount, you could be lucky to be flagellated – when in Singapore, just forget about marijuana.

singapore and marijuana


This kingdom also applies extremely unreasonable, severe punishment for drug possession and trafficking; capital punishment is applied to marijuana/hash trafficking convicts: when in Saudi Arabia, forget about cannabis if you do not want your gullet to be cut off by a sword blade – if not trafficking (just your individual dose), keep in mind minor possession could imply severe prison punishment.

Saudi Arabia  and weed


It is one of the most cannabis-consuming countries in the world, but it applies extremely severe punishment to cannabis dealers and consumers – if trafficking, you could be executed, as happened to a British citizen in 2013; cannabis is widely consumed and spread throughout the country, but you have to be very careful when consuming – serious legal problems could be around: when in Egypt, just keep in mind marijuana is totally prohibited – if you see somebody consuming or selling, do not trust him and get out of there.

Egypt and marijuana

Egypt and marijuana


Cannabis consumption and trafficking are punishable – prison, even capital punishment; the Australian Schapelle Corby became an internationally famous example – 9-year imprisonment after being arrested for entering the country carrying some marijuana (almost capital punishment): marijuana smoking – even marijuana seed planting – are not funny in this country; Gea Seeds suggests to forget about marijuana smoking around those paradisiacal landscapes.

Indonesia and marijuana

Indonesia and marijuana


It is a long-lasting traditional cannabis country, but, currently, marijuana is still illegal; public executions are still applied as a drug-trafficking deterrent. Anyway, it is not difficult to get cannabis in China; when arrested carrying an individual dose, you get deported – your money for the trip is wasted, and it would be difficult for you to enter again, but no prison or death penalty: if you do not want to get deported, just keep off cannabis during your trip.

China and marijuana

China and marijuana


Back in the days, 4-year imprisonment was the minimum cannabis-possession punishment; currently, new drug law is more frugal.

If no recidivist, no criminal record and minor amount, imprisonment can be commuted by rehab program; trafficking punishment would imply up to 25-year imprisonment, even execution (killers).

When in Dubai, be careful – the most dangerous cannabis policy in the country; you can go to jail for drug in the blood – even ridiculous traces, such as Keith Brown’s case, a British citizen, arrested when entering with 0.003 cannabis gr on his sneaker’s sole (Dubai airport has state-of-the-art drug-detection technology).

Besides, Dubai penitentiary system is one of the most internationally criticized and involved in ill-treatment and torture reports; when in UAE, you know, keep off marijuana.

United Arab Emirates Cannabis

United Arab Emirates Cannabis


As previously mentioned, smoking marijuana can be a serious problem in several countries; when visiting a new country – mainly Asian or African, Gea Seeds suggests to get properly informed on current marijuana-consumption legislation. Western countries could be dangerous too – just an average economic sanction, no jail (no death penalty!).

When visiting faraway, unknown countries, you know, get properly informed on current legislation; otherwise, forget about smoking marijuana during your beloved vacation – vacation would become compulsory, permanent stay in a foreign prison (horrible experience for everybody). Do not even think about marijuana growing in any of these countries.


  1. Avatar for Charles Engelkes

    I would like seeds to grow my own

    • Avatar for GeaSeeds

      On our website you can buy seeds to grow


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