Talking about cannabis basic recipes, marijuana olive oil is fundamental; it is the base when cooking other products, and it is a basic ingredient in our diet: besides, it is very easy to cook.
Cannabis Olive Oil
Cannabis olive oil is a different way of consuming marijuana, regarding a possible medical consumption. Oral intake avoids smoking combustion harms, and it also avoids the consumption of other subproducts in the joint which have nothing to do with marijuana, tobacco or smoking paper; besides, it is known that olive oil is one of the best options when extracting cannabis, because it is one of the best marijuana cannabinoid-terpene preserving solvents, and, undoubtedly, it is an affordable product for everybody.
Cannabis olive oil is very easy to cook, and one of the best alternatives for those people suffering from pains to be treated by cannabis, because oil preserves all marijuana active factors, and it is very good too.
For cooking, we just need some buds and leaf traces with trichomes, and the very olive oil.
Regarding our free time, there are two cooking recipes:
Method 1 to obtain cannabis oil:
This method has a minimum duration of one month, and we can have it macerating for two months.
Ingredients 1:
- -20 gr. of buds and leaves with trichomes – the bud should be dry.
- -Olive oil
*The quantities are approximated, and they can vary according to the consumer, his likes, and the quality of the buds – just buds, or buds with a leaf.
Tools 1:
- -Mesh strainers
- -Pot or wider-opening bottle
Oil cooking part 1:
The buds cooked in this recipe have to be previously crushed.
-Firstly, we have to put the buds, and the leaves with trichomes, into de glass pot.
-We add the olive oil, and close the pot.
-We shake the pot, and we keep it in a dark place, away from direct light.
-We will leave the pot along one or two months, shaking it every three days approximately.
-When macerating time is finished, we strain the oil, and we pour it into a clean glass pot, to be preserved away from direct light.
As you can see, it is a very easy cooking recipe; the only disadvantage is its lasting time: if it is too long for you, you can choose the second option.
Method 2 to obtain cannabis oil:
This recipe is very similar to method 1, but we will use the heat to accelerate the process and get it ready in approximately two hours.
Ingredients 2:
- -Buds and leaves with trichomes – dry too
- -Olive oil
Tools 2::
- -Mesh strainer
- -Pot
- -Bowl to introduce cannabis and oil
Preparación del aceite parte2:
Similarly to method 1, the buds have to be previously crushed with a grinder.
-Firstly, we fill the pot – a glass can – with the buds and leaves, and we cover it with olive oil.
-We put the pot in bain-marie along 90-120 minutes; it is fundamental to control the temperature to prevent the oil for boiling: if the heat goes on, we have to remove the pot from the fire, so it gets slightly chilled.
-Then, let it chill, and strain the oil to clear the vegetal material traces.
-We pour the oil in a clean bowl, and we can preserve it up to two months; for better preserving, we can store it in the fridge.
With any of these two recipes, we can obtain an olive oil with all cannabis therapeutic factors; we can substitute conventional olive oil by cannabis oil, so our recipes will have a different touch, or we will be able to benefit all the characteristics of this marvelous plant, without consuming other unhealthy substances which have nothing to do with marijuana.