On May, the 5th, Spanish cannabis lovers have a must-attend event at Puerta del Sol, in Madrid, at 18:00 h; it is a meeting for a multitudinous march through Madrid center, asking for marijuana regularization and legalization in Spain.
It is aiming at Spanish cannabis consumers’ visibility ahead of Spanish society – Spanish government, to be precise; Cannabis Association Confederation statement goes as follows:
“May is near, and, once again, ConFAC is working on Madrid Marijuana World March ‘18 celebration; Madrid streets are going to be painted green again, so millions of consumers – criminalized by laws from outside social reality – would be viewed. Laws which ignore regulatory experiences being carried out worldwide.
Marcha Mundial Marihuana Madrid 2018
FACs – Cannabis Association Federations – would like you to join the march; if you agree with cannabis regularization and legalization in Spain, share this post on your social networks”.
This green march for legalization is an excellent chance for all those consumers currently prosecuted and criminalized by national forces; make yourself visible and heard, fight for your rights and show we are millions of consumers throughout the country: our union is our strength, and, on May, the 5th, we have to be totally united to show we are not criminals.
Social inertia towards cannabis legalization and acceptance is widening worldwide; our government is turning a deaf ear to this world movement, so we have to let them know about it.