Rick Simpson was born in Canada in 1949, and became notorious due to the famous documentary Run from the Cure. His cannabis times began at the age of 58, when he started suffering strong hums in his ears, sequel of a head injury and shock; consequently, Simpson’s life changed drastically: these continuous, strong pains did not let him live normally, so he started trying several conventional medical treatments, but they were unable to alleviate or finish his problem. Looking for solutions, he got interested in medical cannabis; that is the beginning of the adventure in this post.
Rick Simpson
In 1999, Rick Simpson used marijuana for the first time, so he discovered the only solution for his pains, medical cannabis. The lack of solutions, and medical cannabis illegality in Canada, forced Rick to look for his own remedies. After long tests and hard effort, he managed to find a method to produce a type of cannabis oil which became the solution for his pain, and for thousands of patients’ pains worldwide.
What is Rick Simpson Oil?
Rick Simpson’s oil is a liquid solution, with an olive oil base, extracted from marijuana buds; it is very rich in THC and CBD, two of the main cannabis cannabinoids, so it has powerful medical effects.
Consequently, CBD oil is not the same as Rick Simpson’s oil; CBD oil is extracted from hemp and it just contains CBD, and Rick Simpson’s oil is produced from high-THC marijuana, so the effects are not the same, and their legal terms are not the same either. CBD oil is legal, because CBD is not considered as a psychotropic substance; Rick Simpson’s oil is not legal, because THC is considered as a psychoactive. When in doubt on CBD and THC, or on hemp and marijuana, just enter our blog (links to other posts).
How to make it?
Rick Simpson’s oil contains a high level of psychotropic substances, so it cannot be sold legally; the consumers are forced to produce it on their own.
This way, there is a wide range of handouts which document the production process of this oil. The Internet is fraught with tutorials and documents; Gea Seeds recommends using the official process of Rick Simpson’s organization in Phoenix Tears. Anyway, we are about to upload a handout on our blog, with all the proper steps.
Generally, this production needs about half a kilo of top buds; these buds have to be totally dry and mature. Obviously, more powerful marijuana means more powerful oil effect.
Making homemade Rick Simpson oil
Half a kilo of buds equals about 60 gr. of Rick Simpson’s oil – RSO; this quantity equals Rick Simpson’s standard treatment, although, concerning more severe cases, the treatment can be enhanced up to 120 or180 gr. Besides, on depression problems, sativa marijuana is recommended; otherwise, indica marijuana is suitable.
Rick Simpson’s oil can be ingested, consumed by skin absorption, vaporized and even applied via anal, as a suppository; later, we will explain how to use it.
What solvent to use for marijuana oil production?
The recommended solvent will depend on the handout you follow, but Gea Seeds introduces several options, so you can choose whatever you like; basically, Rick Simpson recommends oil production by using pure alcohol, ethanol or naphtha, although the use of isopropyl alcohol could be safer, since it tends to leave less wastes in the final solution.
Easy way to use RSO
As previously mentioned, there are several methods for Rick Simpson’s oil consumption; it can be consumed orally, by capsules or cooking recipes, smoked, vaporized, applied by skin absorption, or via anal as a suppository.
Generally, 60g/ml are recommended along 90 days, from three diary doses – every 8 hours – to 1 dairy g/ml, so the dose has to be duplicated every 4 days; when having 1 dairy gr., this dose will be maintained till the end of the treatment.
When finishing the treatment, 1 monthly gr. should be consumed, till the patient considers it is not necessary anymore; when feeling totally recovered from the pain, the patient can reduce the dose gradually, so, in the end, he will totally forget about consuming this oil.
Side effects and contraindications
When consuming Rick Simpson’s oil, the main side effect is somnolence; about one hour later, a strong need for sleep is felt, obvious if it is known that this oil is relaxing and sedating. In fact, Rick Simpson’s oil provokes a rest which helps us combat the illness and its symptomatology; besides, as the treatment progresses, somnolence diminishes, although its consumption will help us sleep at night.
Another side effect is arterial flow reduction; it could be a problem, when consuming hypotensive medication: then, Rick Simpson’s oil is not recommended.
What illnesses to treat, with Rick Simpson’s oil
Rick Simpson’s oil has been used for free along 15 years, by more than 6,000 patients: leukemia, diabetes, epilepsy, melanomas, tumors, chronic pain, bacterial or viral infections, warts and many types of cancer; in 70% of the cases, Rick’s treatment extinguished the illness symptoms and, in 30%, it alleviated them, so the patients could live and improve their quality of life. The results are surprising, but the illegality of the substances in Rick’s oil makes it impossible to be scientifically investigated on human beings; the reluctances of the governments, regarding licenses and permits for scientific research, avoid possible official documents to work on. Anyway, global social inertia towards cannabis acceptance, legalization and regularization could figure out new official results on this issue; currently, we have to wait.
Rick Simpson oil
Legacy and documentary
Rick Simpson’s oil became famous worldwide, thanks to the successful 58-minute-long documentary Run from the Cure; a must-watch doc, for everybody interested in marijuana medical effects. Since then, Rick has kept on supporting medical cannabis legalization, and official research to prove the curative and alleviating marijuana characteristics; in fact, there is an increasing amount of research, documentaries, news and patients proving the therapeutic characteristics of Rick’s oil, or, at least, they worry about the possibilities of this product.
Besides, this oil is already consumed worldwide, without official data, since every consumer produces it at home illegally; anyway, Rick Simpson’s oil has become a pioneering medical cannabis legalization campaign: a world symbol of marijuana curative characteristics.