The Weedkend, Xixón cannabis fair, is holding its 4th edition – one of the biggest Spanish cannabis events (Gea Seeds can’t miss it); every skilled grower has to visit this fair and enjoy an event full of good smokes, excellent atmosphere and a beautiful, historical, coastal town: from Saturday, June, the 9th (18:00-5:00 h.) to Sunday, June, the 10th (12:00-21:00 h.) there’s a must-attend event.
Asturies, greener than ever!
Xixón has an excellent geographical location – north coast of the peninsula, on the Cantabrian coast; known as the Green Coast capital, this incredible town provides mountainous landscapes, such as Cantabrian Mountains, and enjoyable beaches – Cantabrian Sea: if this natural experience meets one of the best current cannabis fairs, the result’s an explosive combination to satisfy the most demanding sybarites.
Generally, this event’s organized by cannabis association CISCA (Cannabis Interior Social Club Astur); in 2015, they organized Asturcannabis – small event for local growers: public feedback was so big that, in 2016, the event was renamed as The Weedkend – national cannabis fair.
The Weedkend brings the most experienced national growers, brands, associations, cannabis competitions, debates, talks on activism and legislation, good music and, undoubtedly, good weed.
Prices and sale/info points
Advance ticket, €8; at the ticket office, €12. Only above-18 people are allowed to enter; sale points: Ticketea, Ticketmaster, Musikaze – more info on Facebook (TheWeedkend), Twitter (@The_Weedkend) or Instagram (@TheWeedkend2018).
It’s celebrated at disco El Jardín (the garden) – Xixón outskirts; excellent option, because it has some outdoor terraces and wide indoor space for all the stands and scheduled activities: the best banks and brands, growers, musicians, cooks, consumers, graffiti artists, b-boys, observers and many other leisure activities… Party time!
Music shows
Saturday, the 9th
-18:00-24:00 h.
Reggae part: Rapsusklei, Lasai, Ganjahr Family, Barbass Sound, Garolo, Kulto Kultivo, Bucaneroestilo and Alzázar Sound.
-24:00-5:00 h.
Boombassbrothers, Karlixx and Bassflexx.
Sunday, the 10th
-12:00-21:00 h.
Dubmingo, powered by Allanai Sound System with Novato, Lo.End Dub, Maislume Kolektive, Big Sound Boy, Shiva Skank, Barbass Sound and Guaridub Records.
weedkend poster
CWD Cup – more than 60 contestants, and prizes valued at more than €3,000; medical-cannabis conferences, with Sonia Hernández and Carolina Pérez of medical-cannabis Spanish Observatory (OECM); cannabis-legislation conference, with Guillermo Fernández of S&F Abogados (lawyers); politic round table on projects, with Bernardo Soriano of RR Regulación Responsable (responsible regulation), and a conference on sustainable agriculture and responsible therapy, with Martín Barriuso and Luis Hidalgo.
Entertainment/leisure activities: virtual reality, Game Station, Pilgrim Card, cocktails, craft and more than 30 free-gift stands; graffiti, b-boying and much more.
In short, The Weedkend’s an excellent experience for an enjoyable weekend full of good vibes and better smokes.