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The websites are published for marketing purposes only
Chumajek Grow Shop
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid - +34 91 882 40 57
Isla de La Palma, Canarias - +34 92 246 01 01
La Tienda de Maria
C/ Extremadura Nº 87 Sta María de Águila - El Ejido
+34 950 482 749
Semente de Cores
Avda Castrelos -15-Bajo 4 (Entrada por Calle Pastora), Vigo (Pontevedra)
Cogollos Hermanos Growshop
C/ Agricultores Nº 2, 41015 Sevilla / +34 955 211 142
C/ Ruiseñor Nº 12, 41710 Utrera / +34 954 863 747
El Bosque de Maria
C/ Leonardo Rucabado, Nº 50, 39700 Cantabria
+34 94 278 13 82 / 638 161 026
Palverde Growshop
C/ Torbizcon, Nº 22, 41006 Sevilla
+34 610 964 477
La Maria de Valls
Plaza President Companys , Nº 2 (Local 1), 43800 Valls, Tarragona
Cannabis Park
C/ Padre Pedro Ayala, Nº 67, 41005 - Sevilla
+34 954 095 281 / +34 605 760 563
Loren Seeds
+34 680 279 161 - [email protected]
C/ Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Nº 88, 46240 Carlet
SuperCanna Growshop
C/ Pintor Gonzalo de Bilbao Nº 5, 41500 Alcalá de Guadaira
Avinguda Marques de Castellbell, 10, 08032, Barcelona
+34 934 292 761 / +34 691 411 495
El Cultivar
C/Pintor Sorolla N º5 Bajo, 46440, Almussafes
+34 961 171 013 / +34 658 079 733
Growshop La Cosa Nostra
Plaza Vicente Estela i Grau Nº 8, Local 4, 46016 Tavernes Blanques
Roots Grow Shop
C/ Costabona Nº 4, 10, 17006, Girona
+34 972 666 528 / +34 660 071 467
the Grow House
C/Gran Canaria ed. la palmera s/n CP29100 Coín, Málaga
C/ Dr Balari i Jovany, 28, 08030, Sant Andreu
+34 634523873
Planta Verde Grow Shop
Avd. Fray Luis de León, 46, 03203, Elche, Alicante
+34 966 20 10 97 / 622 37 41 62 / 627 00 93 12
California Grow
C/ Cuenca 3, Local 4, 28938, Móstoles, Madrid
910856373 / 640503794
Flower Pasion Grow Shop
C/Muelle nº1 CP12640 Almansa (Albacete)
691 881 532 / 675 893 632
En La Nube Shop
Carretera General del Norte nº112 Centro Comercial La Ballena Local B-4 (Gran Canaria)
928 58 49 24
Hator Enea Grow shop
C/Aldai nº34 bajo CP 48116 Fruiz (Vizcaya)
The Garden Grow
Carretera Almería 112 04230 Huércal de Almería
Paseo las lomas 118 04700 El Ejido
Ganesh Grow Shop
Calle José Gutiérrez Alonso, 12, 39300 Torrelavega, Cantabria
942 08 78 50
Calle cabeza de Manzaneda 17, 32005 - Ourense, Galicia
988 222 327
Natura Vice
Camino de Villanubla 8, Nave 3. Poligono industrial los talleres de Zaratán - Valladolid
983 347 462 / 696 38 61 05
Ocañamo Grow Shop
Plaza del Mar Caribe, 2, 28821 - Coslada, Madrid
910 699 259
Smoking Monkey Growshop
Agirre Lehendakariaren Etorb., 24, 48014 Bilbo, Bizkaia
946 57 18 84
Rastafari Grow Shop
C/Arana 6 lonja, 48901 Baracaldo
946 55 59 82
Holland Royal Garden
Carrer d'Ovidi Montllor, 30, 46960 Aldaia, València
960 08 41 49
New Green Planet
Calle Transport 30, 28, 46702 Gandia, Valencia
656 48 91 40
Papa Cogollo Grow Shop
Avinguda Blasco Ibáñez, 28 bajo, 46960 Aldaia, València
960 04 24 05
Del Verde al Morao
Portal de Legutiano Kalea, 62, 01002 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba
945 25 57 28
Alzahira Grow Shop
Calle de San José, num 3, 28300 Aranjuez, Madrid
918 91 91 98
Grow Shop Alcazar Garden
Calle Velázquez, 13600 Alcázar de San Juan, Cdad. Real
603 51 32 70
Don Esqueje Vallecas
Calle Gandia, 3, 28007 Madrid
914 33 98 59
Carrer José María Simó Nogués, 33 -Sector 2 Pol. Ind, Carrer del Mas del Jutge, 46900 Torrent, Valencia
961 09 94 61
Carrer del Brasil, 11, 08740 Sant Andreu de la Barca, Barcelona
602 121 068
I Siembra Grow Shop
Carretera barcelona 201, 08210 Barberà del Vallés, Barcelona
931 278 805
Guana Grow Shop
Avinguda d'Alacant, 66, 46460 Silla, València
960 64 40 53
Achutegui Shop
Calle Julián García, 16400 Tarancón, Cuenca
678 71 12 45
Zona de Cultivo
Carrer de Vilamarí, 65, 08015 Barcelona
934 91 20 07
Indoor Plant
Carrer de Nàpols, 20, 08207 Sabadell, Barcelona
937 16 85 31
Tus cultivos grow shop
Carrer de Balmes, 171-173, 08370 Calella, Barcelona
626 93 50 03
Carrer de Provença, 556, 08026 Barcelona
931 69 38 09
Imagine Grow
Av. del Carrilet, 327, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona
936 80 09 32
Planta alta grow shop
Calle Joaquina Eguaras, 7, Local 2, 18013 Granada
958 09 34 18
The Grow Town
C/ Pedro Victoria, 5, 18600 Motril, Granada
958 97 76 40
Carretera de Armilla 3, Frente Parque Las Ciencias, 18006 Granada
958 12 22 27
K la tía maria Grow Shop
C/ de la Montanya, 16, 46180 Benaguasil, València
962 73 16 36
Grow Shop Hashskull
Av. Camino de Santiago, 30, 24410 Camponaraya, León
638 79 26 73
Hierbaloca Grow Shop
C/ Obispo Almarcha, 13, (barrio del Ejido) 24006 León
987 17 67 45
Grow Flowerpower
Calle Gerardo Talavera nave 12 Armilla (Granada)
722 123 124
A las finas yerbas
C/Azorín Nº 19, 30709 Roldán, Murcia
650 21 49 72
Sativa Grow
C/ Transport, 30, nave 33, 46702 Gandia, Valencia
962 86 76 08
Valencia Grow Shop
693 536 768
Happy Life GrowShop
Via B. Varliero 1b, 45026 Lendinara (RO)
Telefono: 3318013627
Fior Di Canapa
Via Alessandro Crescini 98/34 37015 Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella (VR) Italia
Il Cultivatore Urbano
Via Trento 34, 20811,Cesano Maderno (MB)
+39 3930095079
Natural Collector Lyon
285 Cours Lafayette, 69006 Lyon
+33 478 65 76 40
Dali Growshop
Transversal 39B, #70-107 Avd. Nutibara.
Medellín (Antioquia)
Max Green Grow Shop
Calle 77 #52a - 64
055411 Itagüí (Antioquia)
THC Smoke Shop
Carrera 83B #30-16 Medellín (Antioquia)
+57 300 7362467
Med City Smokeshop
Carrera 43A # 25Sur - 55 Local 113-2
Envigado (Antioquia)
Rolling Up
Cra51#44-69 Pasaje Comercial Cisneros115c Primer Piso
57 Medellín (Antioquia)
Grass and Glass
Calle 33 #74B - 59
57 Medellín (Antioquia)
In its eagerness to expand and reach all corners of the globe, Gea Seeds sends its seeds to a wide list of South American and European countries through its website. In South America we ship to Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. As for Europe, of course, we ship to the whole of Spain, but also to France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Slovakia, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. Although this is just the beginning, the intention is to be able to send our seeds to any customer, regardless of their geographical location.
In addition, there are many online stores that distribute our seeds. Some examples are: S.L.C (Semillaslowcost), Yierbajo or el fumón, among others. These are some online stores, but there are many more physical stores, from Vigo to Malaga, passing through Madrid, Extremadura, Valencia, Bilbao, Catalonia or Seville, among many others. In fact, almost the entire Spanish territory has a physical shop nearby where you can buy our seeds. But not only in Spain, but also in Italy and Colombia there are several physical stores that distribute our seeds. With each passing day it is easier to get the seeds of Gea Seeds, hurry up and don't be the last to discover the facilities of our service and the unbeatable quality of our seeds. The most competitive prices available to any grower.
Take advantage NOW: Free seeds as a gift on all orders!