Super Skunk - Sensi Seeds
21,00 € 3 unidades
32,00 € 5 unidades
61,00 € 10 unidades
133,00 € 25 unidades
Jack Herer - Sensi Seeds
60,00 € 3 unidades
95,00 € 5 unidades
175,00 € 10 unidades
Black Domina - Sensi Seeds
37,50 € 3 unidades
60,00 € 5 unidades
110,00 € 10 unidades
Skunk 1 - Sensi Seeds
18,00 € 3 unidades
28,00 € 5 unidades
49,00 € 10 unidades
108,00 € 25 unidades
Purple Bud - Sensi Seeds
14,00 € 3 unidades
22,00 € 5 unidades
38,00 € 10 unidades
Big Bud - Sensi Seeds
35,00 € 3 unidades
56,00 € 5 unidades
108,00 € 10 unidades
235,00 € 25 unidades
Northern Light - Sensi Seeds
41,00 € 3 unidades
68,00 € 5 unidades
130,00 € 10 unidades
Northern Lights Auto - Sensi Seeds
23,00 € 3 unidades
37,00 € 5 unidades
72,00 € 10 unidades
Pure Power Plant - Sensi Seeds
32,00 € 3 unidades
54,00 € 5 unidades
98,00 € 10 unidades
Hindu Kush - Sensi Seeds
15,00 € 3 unidades
27,50 € 5 unidades
45,00 € 10 unidades
Jamaican Pearl - Sensi Seeds
27,50 € 3 unidades
45,00 € 5 unidades
80,00 € 10 unidades
Showing 1 - 14 of 14 items

Its story

Sensi Seeds is one of most internationally known Dutch seed banks – after 30 years dealing with genetics, it has been awarded a wide range of cups (top extensive seed catalogue); some of its strains are really crucial, cannabis myths – many current strains are Sensi Seeds hybrids.

Its catalogue and highlighted strains

Its wide catalogue provides very famous strains such as Northern Lights, Big Bud or Skunk#1; Northern Lights is so iconic that expert stoners know it and grow it – robust structure, very productive and top marijuana quality/flavor.

Big Bud’s strong indica, really productive – expert smokers get sedated; unskilled growers could find it complex – it needs a lot of sunshine and great care to prevent pests (mainly fungal).

Otra mítica variedad de Sensi es Big Bud, una cepa realmente productiva y con un fuerte efecto indico que deja sedado hasta al fumador más experimentado. Ahora bien, Big Bud puede resultar una cepa compleja para cultivadores inexpertos pues necesita abundante sol y muchos cuidados que eviten la aparición de plagas, especialmente fúngicas.

Skunk#1 belongs to this bank too – little left to be said; a bank honored to stabilize Skunk#1 is respected by any marijuana fellow – Super Skunk as well, or super famous Black Domina.

Autoflowering strains

Sensi has a wide catalogue of top autoflowering seeds; Purple Bud Automatic is Afghan indica, really powerful – by the end of its flowering stage, it tends to turn violet, and its abundant crop’s uniquely sweet-touched, musky, fruity flavored.

Another outstanding autoflowering strain’s Skunk #1 Automatic, from Skunk genetics (no mistake); fast growth and flowering, uniform and very high quality production – from the sixth growing week on, it will start generating its delicious buds.

Besides, Northern Lights Automatic – non photoperiod dependent, autoflowering, fast version of unique Northern Lights.

High CBD products

Easy way to enjoy marijuana medical properties – CBD oil, CBD oil caps, CBD E-Liquid; good option to alleviate chronic pains – there’s a long list of illnesses to be properly treated by CBD medical properties (check all your options on S.L.C Blog).

Other Sensi Seeds strains:

You know, for top-quality seeds, have a look at Sensi catalogue and discover the multiple possibilities provided by this bank.